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The goal of the RIAEM professional certification program (PCP) is to advance and maintain professional EM standards at the state and local level. To streamline the RIAEM certification process, the PCP is closely aligned with the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) Certified Emergency Manager CEM® program. We believe this closer alignment will make it easier to achieve IAEM CEM® status by incrementally achieving the RIAEM PCP certifications. The RIAEM Professional Development Committee (PDC) will review the requirements of both programs every two years and make recommendations for changes to the Executive Board for approval. Our ideal would be to have all association members achieve RI Advanced level (ARICEM) certification or IAEM CEM® status.

CERTIFICATION LEVELS – There are two levels of state certification:  Practitioner and Advanced.


There are two main components of certification:  General Requirements and Professional Contributions.

General requirements include emergency management Experience, References, Education and Training. Applicants will use the Certification Matrix for their submissions.

Professional Contribution elements include Membership, Conference attendance/participation, Special Assignments, Speaking engagements, Publication, Awards, Legislative contact and Other categories. A Practitioner application will include any (3) of these elements, while an Advanced application will include any (5) elements.


The Professional Development Committee (PDC) will be the screening panel for all certifications. Should there be no RI Advanced Level/CEM® members sitting on the PDC, applications will be reviewed by any combination of a minimum of two (2) current IAEM Certified Emergency Managers. Certifications will be in good standing for the five (5) year period after award. See the Professional Certification Manual for applicable fees for evaluation. Application review fees will be good for any twelve (12) month period.


Once an application package and fee has been received the President/Board will forward the package to the Professional Development Committee Chair. There will be a maximum turn-around time of 90 days from receipt to decision. The Professional Development Committee will review for completeness, assign reviewers (if necessary), and make a recommendation to the President/Board. The President/Exec Board will:

  • Arrange for a proper presentation of certification at the next available RIAEM meeting or pre-arranged time, or
  • Return the package to the applicant for required information or further proof of attributes from the applicant

Once submitted, applicants should address questions or concerns to the points of contact on the Association website.

Prof Cert Program UPDATED FEB 2025.pdf

RIAEM Certification Point of Contact:


Chair, Professional Development Committee

Independent Emergency Management Consultant

Email:  raylaprad@outlook.com 

Mobile Phone:  401-487-4280

RI Association of Emergency Managers is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 8187, Warwick, RI 02888

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